Hi, I'm Nicole Duncan. I'm twenty years old and am currently a full time student at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I love teaching and dancing...hence my major in Dance Education. Even though I live two hours away, I still consider Crosspointe to be my church home.
It's been on my heart for quite some time to go on a mission trip and I'm just so thankful that Crosspointe has partnered with the Haitian Children's Home to allow me this opportunity. I can't express in words how honored and excited I am to be a part of this team. I know that God is going to do great things through this trip, not only in me and my teammates but worldwide...and I can't wait! God is so good. :)
Nicole, you forgot to write in your profile, worlds greatest babysitter!!! :) I'm so proud to know you, Nicole for so many reasons, and this just adds to that. My prayers are going with you next week. I hope and pray that it is absolutely awesome in the real meaning of the word.