Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Woody's Update


As most of you now know, Woody has been through his first surgery after reaching Port au Prince. Woody is one of the Pye family boys who over the weekend broke his leg. The injury needed medical attention, which sent Nick Mangine and Danny Pye with Woody to Port au Prince to the Doctor’s Without Borders Hospital there. This is a very capable and well-maintained facility, with knowledgeable doctors and nurses to care for him. Woody was scheduled for two surgeries, one of which he has already had and he is currently recovering from. He had a fever this morning and is being treated for infection. Please keep him in your prayers throughout this entire recovery process. Also, pray for Danny and Leann who are doing their absolute best to keep everything running at home with their other children, while loving and caring for Woody while he’s there. Pray for Woody’s brothers and sisters who are nervous and worried for him – that their hearts would be calmed and their worries put to rest. Pray over the Doctor’s hands that will be taking care of him, as well as those in the next surgery. Pray for Nixon, Sandra, Nick and Gwenn as they are helping out in Jacmel and stepping up to the plate to allow the Pye’s some time to work through the situation.

With all of this being said, one of the things that I love about our relationship with Danny and Leann is how much more we do with them than just writing a check and wishing them well. We are on the ground here this week, helping to provide care and love in the moments that need it most, and you all have been a huge part of allowing that to happen. We thank you for that, and want to encourage you that we are all doing well. With that being said, the relationships we’ve built with Danny and Leann do in fact need funding at times – more as an act of love than necessity. I would love for our supporters and community that love them to step up and meet a very specific need that has presented itself.

The total amount that has been estimated for the surgeries and expenses that are occurring is about $2,000. As a community, we are always looking for ways to partner alongside this mission and the relationships that we have with Danny and Leann, which leads me to how you can tangibly help. If you would like to help by covering part of the costs of the hospital stay and surgeries, as well as the hotel and meals that are being funded for Danny and Leann in Port au Prince, please let us know. Even if it’s just a small contribution, everything counts and everything is a blessing. Out of love, we have a great opportunity to come alongside them in support for everything they are doing here, above and beyond what we as a community already do. Pray over that decision, and if you would like to contact us for this specific reason, please e-mail travishinton@mac.com.

Thank you for your prayers and support as we honestly can feel them. God is working in each of our lives this week, and we are so thankful for that. Grace & Peace,



  1. Lots of moving parts, lots of decisions and curve balls to respond well to. Great job leading, Travis.

  2. Travis IS doing an excellent job. Good observation Steve. Plus, he regularly uses words like, "assonance." What more could you desire in a team leader?
